Accelerating the future of carbon-neutral air transportation
We believe sustainable aviation fuel created from forest biomass is the future of aviation. Our project will turn surplus forest biomass into something that moves the industry– and the world– forward. With a biomass-powered production plant and carbon capture with local storage, we will produce some of the most deeply carbon-negative SAF available on the market. This means all CO₂ generated from our future facilities will be captured and not emitted.
Carbon-neutral feedstock for deeply carbon-negative fuel
Our project will reduce the fuel’s Carbon Intensity (CI) score from start to finish. First, we will source surplus forest biomass from the timber industry that would otherwise go to waste. From this carbon-neutral source, we will create sustainable aviation fuel at our biomass-powered plant through a proven gasification and conversion process. All CO₂ generated from the fuel production process and power generation will be biogenic. We will capture all carbon emissions from production and inject them deep into the ground in a process called carbon sequestration. This last step drives the CI score deeply negative, creating a fuel that offsets airline carbon emissions and enables net-zero air transportation.
Producing fuel from surplus forest biomass helps create healthier forests and a thriving local timber industry.
Nearly twice our feedstock requirement is available locally in the form of surplus forest biomass. These small or unhealthy trees can’t be used for timber and increase the risk of rot and infestation. What’s more, when left to rot on the forest floor, they emit CO₂ into the atmosphere.
Our project will create demand for otherwise unused surplus forest biomass, enabling increased timber harvest and wood products production. Removing surplus forest biomass improves the environment for saw log growth, while replanting with newer generation trees can double or triple timber yields
The result? A stronger local timber industry and healthier timber forests.
Carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS)
Our project will reduce CO₂ emissions from start to finish, but it’s the last step of the process that will make us one of the most carbon-efficient options on the market. Capturing and storing carbon emitted during the production process is the only way to achieve the deeply negative Carbon Intensity score necessary to offset more than one gallon of conventional jet fuel for every gallon of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF). Put simply: producing carbon-negative SAF isn’t possible without CCUS.
How Will it work?
Carbon capture, utilization and storage is the process of capturing CO₂ before it goes into the atmosphere and then either reusing it or storing (sequestering) it underground. At Natural State Renewables, our production sites will have access to the ideal geology for carbon sequestration, without the need for a long-distance pipeline to a different location. Carbon dioxide from our production process will be immediately captured and injected deep into the ground, where it can be safely stored.