Natural State Renewables exists to keep the world moving today without harming the world tomorrow.

We will produce carbon-negative Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) from surplus forest biomass to help airlines transition to net zero emissions while protecting natural resources. 

Our project's proximity to an abundant feedstock supply will provide supply security and price stability. Meanwhile, our project will give airlines a scalable, commercially viable path to net zero.

Our project

Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) production from surplus forest biomass

  • 75MM - 85MM gallons per year of SAF

  • 30 MM gallons per year renewable naphtha 

  • Biomass boiler for power generation

Deeply Decarbonized Fuel

  • CI Score of -100 gCO₂eq/MJ vs Conventional Jet Fuel +80 - +90

Abundant local feedstock supply

Excellent geology for carbon sequestration 

  • 3 separate formations are available nearby

Sustainable Aviation Fuel Made From Forest Residue

By 2030, the aviation industry aims to produce at least 3 billion gallons of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) per year.

Our Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) will provide a commercially viable path to making that possible.

Our fuel will offset carbon emissions with a deeply negative Carbon Intensity score thanks to the feedstock source, biomass-powered production, and carbon capture and sequestration. Produced from a surplus of forest biomass, not crops, it will offer a secure, cost-effective supply source that doesn’t impact the food supply chain.


Made from ample feedstock with low-value alternative use


Carbon Intensity score of -100 gCO₂eq/MJ (vs. conventional jet fuel +80 - +90)


Abundant, price-stable feedstock supply and reliable production capacity

Easy adoption

Drop-in fuel requires no additional investment, technology or waste